Deal and Walmer are unique and The Deal Society works on your behalf to help keep them that way. Nevertheless every town faces changes which may be positive or negative so we exist to monitor those changes and to work for positive outcomes.

If you have chosen to live here, you will appreciate the charm of this largely 17th and 18th century town. Historically the society came into being to protect and conserve that charm when it was under threat.

We continue to campaign to maintain the character of the town, including specific buildings which may be under threat. For example in recent years we have campaigned to reopen the Astor Theatre and the Regent Cinema.

We are a member of Civic Voice which keeps us abreast of changes in planning law and other national issues which often affect us. Through national and regional bodies we have contributed to changes to the Localism Act and the National Planning Framework.

You can also visit our other Site Deal Heritage for more information on the Deal and Walmer